Monday, June 15, 2009

The Greatest Playground in Turkey - Possibly the World

A few weeks ago we actually took the trek to get our visas. Things went much more smoothly than I had ever imagined they could in this country. In fact, things went so smoothly that we had our applications processed and our visas sent to us in just two short weeks. Yes, we actually have the visas already and it didn't end up costing us near what we thought it would. So that was good news. The bad news is that someone, somewhere, in the whole process changed our "date of entry" on the blessed little things. So now they aren't valid until after August 29th. This wouldn't be a problem except that Michael is supposed to report to his new commander on the 14th.

Good times.

Anyway, we are working on that.... in the mean time! We did find the BEST PLAYGROUND EVER! (According to my little team of playground experts.) It was pretty awesome. Especially because you could get your picture taken with Papa Smurf. 'Nuff said.


Dolly said...

What a dream come true! ♥

Cluttered Brain said...

Wow! It's kinda like a park at Disney world! Awesome! How long did it keep the kids entertained?

Debbie said...

I concur with Alexes. It looks like a fairy tale. Good luck with the visas and all that. :)

Jennifer said...

Let's hope and pray that my visa process runs just as smooth. Obviously it won't be the same time frame but hopefully just as smooth. Miss and love you!

Jennifer said...

How fun!! We just finished our playground in our backyard---I don't think I will show these pictures to my kids!!!

Erin said...

That is a cool playground! And Happy Anniversary